the iris garden in Monferrato




Via Scallaro 7
10020 Cavagnolo TO
+39 333 53 77 703

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Augusto Bianco

The first time I met Augusto it was 2021 and I wanted information for an iris pallida plant.

I felt a little intimidated by this man with a severe look who didn't smile and who was surely thinking "but where does this come from...".

I, who was actually - and am - a neophyte in the iris field, still didn't know that I was dealing with an important internationally known iris breeder.

His hybridization activity began in the 1980s, intrigued by seeing irises of different colors in some gardens, he understood that they had something particular compared to those that could commonly be found along the ditches, and that the hand of man had intervened to create something different and unique.

Thus began his adventure in the world of hybridization, with initially disastrous results, so what does he do? He studies, documents, compares.

The first failures were largely outclassed by spectacular creations, his knowledge, acquired through experimentation and observation in the field (no YouTube tutorials in those years!!!) led him to be among the most important Italian hybridizers.

Present several times at the Florence International Competition and winner of prestigious prizes several times (have a look at these links: first prizes - mentions )

Judge in America, in Italy, but not only, extremely curious and multifaceted person, lover of photography, luthier and, in the end after having studied you well, ironic and very nice man!

These few pieces of information give a rough idea of the Augustus universe, if they have intrigued you you can always try to get invited to his kingdom in Monferrato. Who knows, if you pass the test of his inquiring gaze he might even invite you to accompany him to the Florence Competition!

Augusto Bianco - Recognitions

Below is a small summary of the process to be able to register a new variety and to understand the great work of a hybridizer.

Hybridization occurs in the spring between April and May, especially in the morning to prevent pollinating insects from doing the work first.

The pollinated flower is marked, since the capsules fertilized not by the hybridizer will have to be removed.

In July/August the seeds of the fertilized crosses are collected and sown in September/October.

The following spring they will be born.

After 2-3 years the first flowers will appear, their characteristics will be evaluated and we will choose which ones to keep for subsequent observations. Another 2-3 years of observation to evaluate whether the plant is robust, its shape, arrangement of flowers, then another year to ensure that the rhizome reproduces to have a sufficient quantity for sale.

About 7 years for a new variety!